Corn circles near Hammel
- Occurrence-date: July 24th., 2001 -
by Poul-Erik Nielsen. Sc.D.
Frijsenborg Manor near Hammel
Corn circles at Frijsenborg Manor near Hammel.
The 24th of July 2001 a corn circle with a diameter of 101 meters is observed in a wheat field on "Frijsenborg Manor" near Hammel.
The 31th of July 2001 the Danish Television journalist, Ann Smed Madsen from DR television) approached the undersigned (Poul-Erik Nielsen) to get some answers about corn circles.
She wanted me to come to Hammel and talk about it on television however it did not fit into my schedule, so I gave her some phone number to other ufo - experts.
It appeared in the news (called TV-Avisen) Tuesday the 31th of July 2001 at 06.30 p.m., that a lot do not get (or understands), that such circles can be made by aliens, I am trying to prove this on this page by including a amateur video of such event, it shows how UFOs can make these corn circles in a field within a matter of seconds.
The photo below is taken from a helicopter, on the 31th of July 2001, and were shown in televisions news on DR1 Denmark, the same day at equal day the time 06.30 p.m.
I heard among other things the television news speaker mention "little green men from Mars" ..... I am choked that, so many has not come further in there development, and is using a so utterly insane languages [PEN]
© UFO-SANDHEDEN ®, Denmark by Poul-Erik Nielsen, - COPYRIGHT