He saw a UFO on the way home from the field
UFO observationplace: Alstrup near Mariager, Denmark
Observations-date: The spring year 1958/59, about 08.15 p.m.
Observationstime: About 1 minute
Eye witnesses....: 1
Alstrup near Mariager, Denmark
The eyewitness tells:
"It was in the spring of 1958-1959, where I as a hired-worker in the country near Alstrup which is near Mariager town, and I was working in the rower field. When the day about to end, and it was getting to dark to see the rows, I packed my gear and went on home.
As I was getting ready to go home, so I suddenly saw a sharp light in the sky, almost like a shooting star. It come in on the right side from where I was standing, that is out from the Skoedstrup Forests.
It came glideing towards Alstrup in a straight line, and then it suddenly stood still above the city. It was there for about 1 minute without moving, while it was throbing with the light.
After approximately one minute without moving, it began to glide again, and it was moving in the same direction, made a 90 degrees turn, and disappeared into space. That went quick. From it started to move again and to when it disappeared, not much more than two seconds had gone by.
At first I thought that I has seen a 'shooting star', and then 'a comet' and after that "nothing". I had never in that time on my life ever heard anything about UFOs.
Later on in my life, I have experienced other strange things, and I would gladly tell about those too.
Anonymous to the public
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