Object moved in a strange way
- Was looking in the sky, when he saw something weird -
Observationsplace: Near Varde, Denmark:
Observations-date: 1996
Observationstime: 2 minutes
Eye witnesses: 1
Varde, Denmark
It was the year Denmark won the Gold medal in woman handball the Olympic Games in Atlanta. People were looking in the TV and monitors all around Denmark. (by the way, Denmark wun against China 33 - 21, and won the Gold medal).
The witness (who wishes to be anonymous) was interested in womans handball this year. Here he is telling about his observation:
The witness:
"I was at a outdoor arrangement in my home town, where a big-screen was put up in the occasion of the prior action to womans handball, Denmark-China.
© UFO-SANDHEDEN ®, Denmark by Poul-Erik Nielsen, http://www.ufo-sandheden.dk - COPYRIGHT
At one point during the game, I was looking up into the sky to look at the stars, and suddenly sees a rounf or oval thing far up there.
It moved very slowly, it looked that way at least, however it way also far away. When I look more explicit at that thing, I can see that it moves around in circles.
I look at it between a minute and one and a half minute. I was just about to pull my friends arm, so that he could see it also, however i could not get my eyes from it, and almost in that second the object accelerate, and disappeared.
I have been thinking about the object very much since that, and now, I believe in UFOs."
© UFO-SANDHEDEN ®, Denmark by Poul-Erik Nielsen, http://www.ufo-sandheden.dk - COPYRIGHT
Anonymous to the public