Young mother surprised by UFO
UFO observationplace: Aabenraa, Denmark
Observations-date: 25th. october 1993
Observationstime: More than 4 minutes
Eye witnesses...: 2
Aabenraa, Denmark A young woman (mother to two children) from Aabenraa, had a distinctive experience the 25th of October 1993.
The young woman tells:
"Monday the 25th of October 1993 I was driving along Haderslevvej (in Aabenraa). When I looked to Vennelystbakke (a street name), I observed three big lights.
I said to my oldest daughter: "That´s a strange spot to put up a pole", as I believed, it was just a light pole.
I had only just finished saying it, when the lights flew across the road.
I don't know why, but I turned towards Stolling, pulled over and peeked up (from the windshield). To my big surprise I saw "thing", that stood still.
I did not believed what I saw. I pinched, asked my daughter, what she saw, and she answered : "a UFO".
The object were brown in color, round on the sides , and in the middle there was something that looked like somekind of hatch. The two round parts on each end was encircled with light. After two or three minutes, it turned around and flew towards Loejt Kirkeby. We could see it all the way.
I drove home, however I could find no, as I believe, there has to be a natural explanation for what happened. Four days later I´m still having a strange feeling, and the queries in my head keeps popping up: What was it I saw? What's inside? What do they want? Is it me, they want? That last part has been on my mind since monday, because I had another experience for about half a year ago.
It was a morning about 6.00 a.m., when I was on my way to work. In the middle of the field I saw a fireball, very sharp and somewhat bigger than the moon. Back then I also pulled over, however I got scared and drove away.
Why does it have to me that has these such experiences? Me, why don´t believe in UFOs? I believe, there has to be another explanation - however after that experience I have good reason to believe in them."
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